MUFA Office Bearers & Council Re-Elected for 2021/22
At the weekend’s MUFA AGM in Banbridge, the MUFA Officer Positions of Secretary and Treasurer saw re-election again for Brian Larkin and Colin McCullough respectively, for the 21/22 season ahead. The 12 elected MUFA Council positions also saw re-election.
The new Council, at its meeting following, then re-elected Maurice Johnston as MUFA Chairman and Paul Suckling as Vice Chairman.
On election again, the Office Bearers and Council once more expressed an honour and privilege to be given the opportunity to yet again serve Mid Ulster Football..
Pictured are the re-elected MUFA Office Bearers presenting the Ivan Marshall MUFA Merit Award to Noel McClure yesterday. From left to right - Treasurer Colin McCullough, Merit Award Winner Noel McClure, Chairman Maurice Johnston, Vice Chairman Paul Suckling and Secretary Brian Larkin.